Competitor Analysis Services

Find the advantages to do a competitor analysis and what to expect

competitor analysis

Here is how we can help you

  • Keywords Analysis – what keywords do they target, what their rankings for those keywords are, and how do they use those keywords on their pages
  • Website Speed on Mobile and Desktop – compare our website performance (speed) with our competitor’s websites to see how we perform 
  • Index – check how many pages they have indexed in Google, what content they have on those pages, what keywords they rank for, etc — in short, find the main pages that they want to rank with in order to better visualize their content strategy
  • Technical structure/issues – crawl the websites with screaming frog in order to get an overall picture of their structure – internal linking, what types of pages they have, whether are they using a Blog, what technical issues they have, etc
  • Content – check the average word count of their main pages, what keywords they use and their density, how they structure their content (are they using video content? What topics do they talk about?), what topics they target, etc
  • Backlinks – check the number of backlinks that they have, what’s their Domain Authority, from what websites they get the backlinks, and what pages are getting the most backlinks – then we can come up with a link-building strategy
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